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How to get dog pee smell out of carpet

At ODORCIDE®, we understand  that with children and pets, sometimes accidents happen that cause
odors in your home and we want to help you eliminate those odors! Many people rely on us for products that actually work!

One of the most difficult odors to get rid of can be dog pee smell in your carpet. At Odorcide we have the solution for you!


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The Challenge of Dog Pee Smell in Carpets

If you’re a dog owner, you know that accidents happen. Whether it’s a new puppy still learning the ropes or an older dog with occasional mishaps. When a dog pees on the carpet, it can be a real challenge. The smell can be stubborn, and if not addressed promptly, it can linger, making your home less inviting. We’ll explore effective strategies to get rid of that dog pee smell in your carpet and keep your home smelling fresh.

Understanding the Science Behind Dog Urine and Carpet Odors

Before diving into solutions, it’s crucial to understand why dog urine creates such persistent odors. Dog urine, composed of uric acid and ammonia, is the main culprit behind stubborn smells. Uric acid crystallizes when dry, making it difficult to remove urine stains from carpets. As urine breaks down, it releases ammonia, causing harsh pee smells, especially when mixed with heat or humidity.

Understanding this chemistry helps dog owners combat urine odor effectively before it entrenches in the fibers.

Dog Behavior: Why Accidents Happen and How to Address Them

Accidents often reflect a dog’s behavior rather than mere carelessness. Factors like excitement, anxiety, or medical issues contribute to frequent accidents. Puppies might lack bladder control, while older dogs face incontinence.

Observing your dog’s behavior offers insight into why accidents happen. Addressing them requires patience and understanding, consistent training, vet consultations, and positive reinforcement when your dog pees outside to curb indoor accidents.

The Role of Diet in Dog Pee Smells

Diet significantly influences dog pee smells and frequency. A high-protein diet can lead to concentrated, strong-smelling urine. Dehydration also intensifies urine odor. Conversely, diets rich in water and fiber dilute urine and reduce odor.

Consult your vet about your dog’s diet to address any issues contributing to pungent urine smells.

The Importance of Consistent Potty Breaks: Timing is Everything

Consistency is key to preventing dog pee stains. Regular potty breaks help maintain your dog’s healthy bladder and prevent accidents. Frequency depends on age, diet, and health. Adult dogs can hold their bladder for 8-10 hours, while puppies need breaks every 2-3 hours.

Paying attention to cues and sticking to a schedule minimizes indoor accidents.

Understanding a Dog’s Scent Marking Behavior

Beyond necessary urination, dogs engage in scent marking, leaving small amounts of urine to communicate and claim territory. While more common in males, females can also scent mark.

Understanding this helps address it by providing ample outdoor opportunities and using deterrents inside. Consistent training and positive reinforcement curb scent marking behavior.

Addressing physical and behavioral factors in indoor accidents is crucial for maintaining a clean home free of dog pee smells. Effective cleaning techniques, preventive measures, and understanding your dog’s needs help eliminate lingering urine odors and promote harmonious coexistence with your furry friend and carpets.

The Connection Between Stress and Accidents in Dogs

Stress contributes significantly to accidents. Anxious or stressed dogs might struggle with bladder control, triggered by environmental changes, loud noises, or separation anxiety. Mitigate stressors through behavioral training and creating a calm environment to reduce stress-related accidents.

Consult a vet or consider anxiety-reducing products for effective stress management.

The Impact of Neutering/Spaying on Urine Marking Behavior

Neutering or spaying impacts urine marking behavior, often driven by hormones, common in unaltered dogs. It reduces hormonal influence, decreasing marking behavior. Early spaying or neutering significantly reduces persistent marking.

Combine with behavioral training and consistent reinforcement for best results.

Get Dog Pee Smell out of Your Carpets

Immediate Actions: Steps to Take as Soon as You Notice the Dog Pee Smell or Urine on Carpet.

  • Immediate Action: As soon as a urine accident occurs, clean up as much of the urine as possible. Blot, don’t rub, with paper towels or a clean cloth. Press firmly to absorb as much liquid as possible. Avoid rubbing, as this can push the urine deeper into the carpet fibers and pad.
  • Product Application: Then apply Odorcide Original or Odorcide Fresh Scent. These products are non-toxic and safe to use on all surfaces. They work by counteracting the odor-causing compounds found in urine.
  • Regular Cleaning: Use Odorcide products everytime you clean your carpets. Odorcide eliminates existing odors and leaves behind a fresh scent that lasts, helping to mask any residual odors that might linger after cleaning.
  • Deep Cleaning: For deep-set stains and odors, consider using Odorcide Concentrate. This powerful formula can be used in carpet cleaning machines for a thorough, deep clean that targets targets stubborn odors.

Incorporating Odorcide products into your regular cleaning routine can effectively prevent long-lasting urine odors from taking hold in your carpet and keep your home smelling fresh and clean.

Preventing Long-Lasting Dog Pee Smell in Carpets with ODORCIDE® Products

ODORCIDE® offers a range of products specifically designed to combat and prevent long-lasting urine odor. The key is to apply Odorcide correctly and regularly for the best results. Odorcide’s urine odor eliminators work by neutralizing the odor at the molecular level, rather than simply masking the smell.

Preventing Future Accidents: Tips for Training Your Dog and Protecting Your Carpets

Effective Training Techniques

Training your dog to avoid indoor accidents is crucial for a harmonious household. Start by taking them for regular potty breaks, ideally every few hours, and praise or reward them with treats when they do their business outside. Positive reinforcement can go a long way in encouraging good behavior. Consistency is key, so establish a routine by taking your dog out at the same times each day, such as after meals and before bedtime, and stick to it. Over time, your furry friend will learn to associate going outside with bathroom breaks, leading to fewer accidents indoors.

Using Pet-Friendly Repellents

Pet-friendly repellents can deter your dog from revisiting the same spot where they might have been digging or marking. These specially formulated products are safe for pets, ensuring they don’t cause any harm to your furry friends. However, they are designed to be unpleasant enough to keep them away from areas you’ve treated. These repellents can help maintain a clean and orderly environment in your home or garden by creating a smell or sensation that dogs find disagreeable. Consistent use can train your dog to avoid these areas promoting better habits over time.

Carpet Protectors

Consider using carpet protectors in areas where your dog frequently roams, such as living rooms, hallways, or near their favorite lounging spots. These protectors add an extra layer of defense against accidents, spills, or muddy paw prints, making clean-up easier and preventing deep-set stains that can be hard to remove. They come in various sizes and materials to suit different types of flooring and decor, ensuring both practicality and aesthetic appeal in your home.


Dealing with dog pee smell in carpets can be daunting, but with the right approach, you can get dog pee smells out and keep your home smelling fresh. Understanding the science behind the smell, acting quickly, and knowing when to seek professional help are key. Additionally, training your dog and using preventive measures can minimize future accidents.

Solution: Odorcide Original or Fresh Scent

Eliminating dog pee smell out of carpet can be a challenging task. ODORCIDE® offers products that eliminate serious odor problems and keep them from returning.

Our past customers have let us know how well our products have helped them. Read these testimonials to help you understand the impressive results that occur when using our products. ODORCIDE® products feature a unique, non-enzymatic formula that works, regardless of what products have been previously applied!

Specialized Odor Elimination

No matter the cause of  the odor issue, we know you want it fixed quickly. When bad odors need to be eliminated, people often begin a search for specialized odor-elimination products. Discovering these can truly transform any areas with strong odors.

At ODORCIDE® we offer top-tier, professional-grade solutions. Our products are designed to provide superior odor elimination in your vehicle and your home.

We are committed to helping people maintain odor-free environments. Whether the task at hand is getting pee smell out of carpet, fabrics or ensuring your home smells great, you can count on ODORCIDE® products.

For The Cleaning Professional

You’re working hard, and it’s important you use only the best products when tackling the tough odor of pee in carpet. The last thing you want to worry about is showing up at a client’s house and not having the right solution to their problem. Use Odorcide Original or Fresh Scent to leave each client’s home or business smelling fresh and clean.

Odorcide Original and Fresh Scent can be used anywhere in your cleaning cycle.  Use it as a pre-spray to start the process of eliminating the odors, use it in your rinse to eliminate odors that are deep in the carpet, and use it as a post-spray to leave a smell that your customers will love to come home to.

Easy To Use Products

One of the key attributes of ODORCIDE® is its ease of use, even if you’ve tried other products without success. A single application is often sufficient to eliminate odors. However, for strong or old odors, reapplication might be necessary. ODORCIDE® products are safe for use around people and pets because we use natural, non-toxic ingredients.

ODORCIDE® offers an affordable solution to your pee smell in carpet issues, providing immediate results with minimal effort, making it a cost-effective choice.

Our odor-elimination products have been lauded for their effectiveness in dealing with stubborn odors. Our professional strength concentrates and ready to use products can combat a wide array of odors, including those from food, smoke, urine and sweat. Our products can also be used on various surfaces such as carpet, upholstery, and hardwood.


ODORCIDE® is a family-owned business located in Smithville, Missouri where we manufacture what we sell. Unlike many other companies, ODORCIDE® only manufacturers ODORCIDE® products. We have dedicated ourselves to providing the answer to your odor problems with products you can use and recommend with complete confidence.

Get Dog Pee Smell Out of Carpet & Keep it From Returning
ODORCIDE®The One That Works When Enzymes Won’t!