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How to get musty smell out of towels

At ODORCIDE®, we understand you want to know how to get musty smell out of towels and we want to help you eliminate it. No matter how many times you wash your towels do they constantly smell musty?
We offer products that actually work!

One of the most difficult odors to eliminate is the musty smell in towels. At Odorcide we have the solution for you!


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The Odor Problem

How to Get Musty Smell Out of Towels

Odors are more than just unpleasant scents; they are volatile compounds that can easily permeate various surfaces, making them difficult to remove completely. This is where L.O.E. steps in. Our state-of-the-art products are designed to tackle these odor-causing compounds at a molecular level, ensuring a thorough and long-lasting solution.

Understanding the root cause of musty towel smell is the first step towards finding an effective solution. This is especially true when it comes to dealing with stubborn odors such as the smell of smelly towels.

But why exactly is this odor so difficult to eliminate? The answer lies in the science behind musty odors. These findings shed light on the biological and chemical processes that contribute to the mildew smell in towels, highlighting the importance of proper washing towels hygiene and odor control.

To get rid of the musty smell, start by adding baking soda or white vinegar during the wash cycle. Make sure to use hot water, regular detergent, and avoid using too much fabric softener, as it can trap odors. Essential oils can be added for a fresh scent during the rinse cycle. Once the wash cycle is complete, dry towels thoroughly in the dryer with dryer sheets to prevent mildew odors from setting in.

Proper laundry practices such as not leaving wet towels in the laundry hamper or basket for too long, and ensuring they are fully dry before storing, can help prevent musty smells. If your towels smell musty, consider washing them with a natural fabric softener and running an extra rinse cycle to fully freshen towels.

By following these steps, you can effectively combat towel odors and keep your towels smelling fresh and clean.

musty smell out of towels

The Science Behind Musty Smell in Towels

The unpleasant musty smell in towels can be attributed to several causes. Predominantly, it’s the build-up of bacteria thriving in the moist environment of wet towels after using them to clean or dry off. Inadequate or infrequent washing of towels can also contribute to residual dirt and bacteria, leading to stinky towels. Furthermore, damp towels can develop mold and mildew, both of which release mildew odors. The residues from detergent or fabric softener can trap odors in towels, while our body odor, caused by the breakdown of sweat by skin bacteria, can transfer to our towels.

Here are some causes of musty smells in towels:

  • Insufficient Washing: If towels aren’t washed properly or frequently enough, residual dirt, bacteria, and sweat can cause sour smelling towels.
  • Mold and Mildew: Towels left damp for too long can develop mold and mildew. These fungi release mildew smells.
  • Bacteria Build-up: Damp towels provide a moist environment that bacteria thrive in, leading to unpleasant odors.
  • Chemical Residues: Sometimes, residues from regular detergent or fabric softener can make towels smell. These residues can also trap bad smells.
  • Body Odor: Body odor, caused by the breakdown of sweat by bacteria on our skin, can transfer to towels, causing them to smell.

To freshen towels and prevent musty odors, follow these tips:

  • Wash Towels Regularly: Use hot water in the washing machine to effectively clean towels.
  • Use White Vinegar: Adding a half cup of white vinegar during the rinse cycle can help eliminate musty towel smell.
  • Avoid Fabric Softener: Instead of fabric softener, use natural fabric softener like vinegar or essential oils.
  • Dry Completely: Ensure towels are completely dry before storing them to prevent mildew growth.
  • Proper Drying: Use a drying rack or tumble dry with dryer balls to maintain good air circulation and dry towels thoroughly.
  • Prevent Odors: Store towels in a laundry hamper with bounce dryer sheets to keep them smelling fresh.
  • Final Rinse Cycle: Add a cup of baking soda to the final rinse cycle to combat lingering mildew.
  • Store in a Dry Place: Keep towels in a well-ventilated area with proper air flow to avoid a humid climate that promotes mildew growth.

Remember, with Odorcide, you’re not just getting a product – you’re investing in a solution. So why not give it a try today and experience the difference for yourself?

Are There Health Concerns Regarding Musty-smelling Towels?

Yes, musty towels can have adverse effects on health. Towels can absorb bacteria and house mold and mildew, which you may not be aware of but could potentially make you sick. The presence of musty-smelling towels raises health concerns due to the potential accumulation of harmful microbes. Here are some key health considerations regarding musty-smelling towels:

  • Microbial Accumulation: Musty towels can harbor a variety of microbes, including bacteria and mold, which have been linked to the spread of infectious diseases.
  • Respiratory Issues: Mildew, commonly found in musty-smelling towels, can adversely impact respiratory health, leading to sinus and nasal congestion, as well as irritation in the nose, eyes, and throat.
  • FEMA Guidance: According to FEMA, mildew can have detrimental effects on health, emphasizing the need to address musty-smelling towels to mitigate these risks.

It’s crucial to address the issue of musty-smelling towels promptly to safeguard both hygiene and health. Preventing musty smell in towels requires a combination of proper washing, drying, and storage practices. Here are some effective strategies to keep your clothes smelling fresh:

musty smell out of towels

Storage and Maintenance:

  • Ensure towels are completely dry before storing to prevent the growth of mold and mildew.
  • Store towels in a well-ventilated area to discourage the accumulation of moisture and the development of musty odors.
  • Use breathable storage containers or bags, and avoid plastic bags, which can trap moisture and lead to unpleasant smells.
  • Consider using natural deodorizers, such as activated charcoal or cedar blocks, to absorb moisture and odors in storage areas.

Washing and Drying:

  • Use the appropriate amount of detergent to ensure thorough cleaning without leaving residue that can contribute to odors.
  • Add Odorcide L.O.E. to each load
  • Remove damp towels promptly from the washing machine to prevent bacteria and mold growth.
  • Dry towels thoroughly, either in a dryer or on a clothesline, to inhibit the development of malodorous bacteria and fungi.

By implementing these preventative measures, you can effectively combat the musty smell in towels and maintain fresh, great-smelling towels.

Solution: Odorcide L.O.E.

Eliminating musty smell in towels can be very challenging. ODORCIDE® L.O.E. eliminates serious odor problems!

Our past customers have let us know how well our products have helped them. Read these testimonials to help you understand the impressive results that occur when using our products.

ODORCIDE® products feature a unique, non-enzymatic formula that works, regardless of what products have been previously applied!

For the Vet/Pet Professional

L.O.E. not only works on getting the musty smell out of towels, but it works great on any odor, like urine, vomit, or feces, that they pick up when you clean.  You can also use it in the washing machine when you wash your scrubs. It will also help keep your washing machine smelling fresh. 

Specialized Odor Elimination

No matter what the cause of the odor issue, we understand you want it fixed quickly.  When bad odors need to be eliminated, people often begin a search for specialized odor-elimination products. Discovering these can truly transform any areas with strong odors.

At ODORCIDE® we offer top-tier, professional-grade solutions. Our products are designed to provide superior odor elimination in your vehicle and your home.

We are committed to helping people maintain odor-free environments. Whether the task at hand is getting rid of smells in towels, carpets, and kennels or ensuring your home smells great, you can count on ODORCIDE® products.

Easy To Use Products

One of the key attributes of ODORCIDE® products is its ease of use, even if you have tried other products without success. A single application is often sufficient to eliminate odors. However, for strong or old odors, reapplication might be necessary. ODORCIDE® products are also safe around people and pets because we use natural, non-toxic ingredients.

ODORCIDE® offers an affordable solution to your intense clothing odor issues, providing immediate results with minimal effort, making it a cost-effective choice.

Our odor-elimination products have been lauded for their effectiveness in dealing with stubborn odors. Our professional strength concentrates and ready to use products can combat a wide array of odors, including those from food, smoke, urine and sweat. Odorcide can also be used on various surfaces such as carpet, upholstery, and hardwood.


ODORCIDE® is a family-owned business located in Smithville, Missouri where we manufacture what we sell. Unlike many other companies, ODORCIDE® only manufacturers ODORCIDE® products. We have dedicated ourselves to providing the answer to your odor problems with products you can use and recommend with complete confidence.

Learn How To Get Musty Smell Out of Towels!
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